Courses and Taster Days
Harrogate & Ripon Beekeepers Association run a variety of courses each year for beginners and more experienced beekeepers.
Taster Days
If you are interested in learning about becoming a beekeeper, try dipping your toes with one of our Taster Days. These are run in conjunction with the RHS at the beautiful Harlow Carr Gardens.
Beginner Beekeeping
Start your beekeeping journey with our 3-term Beginner Beekeeping Course. It is structured to guide you through your first two seasons as a beekeeper, including 12 theory and 8 practical lessons. The 3 terms are delivered over a 15 month period. Two 6-week terms take place in the classroom and the practical term is taught at apiaries in the Harrogate area. At the end of this course you will have all the knowledge and experience required to pass the BBKA Basic Assessment (optional)
From Comb to Candle
For those who want to make use of surplus beeswax we run wax processing classes. Our incredibly popular ‘From Comb to Candle’ days are delivered by experienced, prize-winning members of HRBKA. They take you through every stage of processing beeswax, from filtering the raw wax to producing wax blocks, candles, flowers or even beeswax wraps. Places on this course are limited and due to high demand you are encouraged to book as soon as possible. Watch this space for details of the next course.
Courses run every second year and are ideal if you are studying for the BBKA Microscopy exam or just want to increase your knowledge of the honey bee. Subjects include using compound and dissecting microscopes, and preparing and producing slides. Identifying pests and diseases and analysing and identifying pollens in honey (melissopalynology) are also useful skills for beekeepers. On this course you are taught all the skills and techniques required to take the BBKA Microscopy exam. To ensure you get the most from each lesson, numbers are limited on this course, and early applications are recommended. Watch this space for details of when the next course will run.